Welcome to Not Babysitting

Hi, I'm Scott. Welcome to Not Babysitting.

Stories about being a first time father, first time parent, and how those are different. (I'll also throw in some science, wood-working, cooking, and urban farming along the way).

7/26/2017 - Due Date in 38 Days (+/- 14)

We join a story in progress...

I quit my full time job as a food scientist to go back to school. I'm current a third year PhD candidate working on my dissertation in Nutritional Epidemiology.

I'm also a soon-to-be father of a baby girl.

My wife is the primary breadwinner and will be going back to work after her pittance of a 6 week leave post-delivery (short term disability, not even true maternity leave). I, however, am somehow lucky enough to get 8 weeks fully paid paternity leave.

Our current plan is for me to be a stay at home dad after my wife goes back to work.  I'll get to navigate taking care of our child during the day, writing a dissertation, finding grad students to play with a baby for an hour while I run to campus for a meeting, and all manner of first time parent disasters.

I also expect that I will join the brotherhood of fathers called babysitters by well-meaning mothers.

38 days until baby Julia is born (if she's right on time) and I've already been asked if I'm going to "help out."


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